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in News 25.12.2012 13:30
von Jonas • 615 Beiträge

Weltbank: World Development Report 2010:

Developing countries can shift to lower-carbon paths while promoting development and reducing poverty, but this depends on financial and technical assistance from high-income countries, says World Development Report 2010: Development and Climate Change.


ACIA: Arctic Climate Impact Assessment

1042-page scientific report of the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment

Earth’s climate is changing, with the global temperature now rising at a rate unprecedented in the experience of modern human society. These climate changes, including increases in ultraviolet radiation, are being experi- enced particularly intensely in the Arctic. Because the Arctic plays a special role in global climate, these changes in the Arctic will also affect the rest of the world. It is thus essential that decision makers have the latest and best information available regarding ongoing changes in the Arctic and their global implications.

The Arctic Council called for this assessment and charged two of its working groups, the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) and the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF), along with the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), with its implementation. An Assessment Steering Committee (see page iv) was charged with the responsibility for scientific oversight and coordination of all work related to the preparation of the assessment reports.


FAO (UN Food and Agriculture Organization):
Livestocks' long Shaddow: environmental issues and options

Über die Auswirkungen der Tierhaltung inkl. Tropenwaldabholzung für gentechnisch verseuchtes Soja:

The assessment builds on the work of the Livestock, Environment and Development (LEAD) Initiative. This multi-stakeholder Initiative, coordinated by FAO’s Animal Production and Health Division, was formed to address the environmental consequences of livestock production, particularly in the light of rising demand for food products of animal origin and the increasing pressure on natural resources.


Global Footprint Network: 2011 annual report


2052: A global forecast for the next fourty years
Jorgen Randers, Club of Rome)

Buch (auch auf Deutsch erhältnich)

Vorstellung durch Jorgen Randers (ca 12 Minuten nach einigen Minuten Einführung)
http://www.clubofrome.org/?p=703 (Achtung, nichts für schwache Nerven)

Videovorträge anlässlich 40 Jahre "Limits to Growth" (beim Smithonian Institute):

Dennis Meadows (Club of Rome):

Jorgen Randers (Club of Rome):

Lester Brown (Worldwatch, Earth Policy Institute):

CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project), report 2012:

The pressure is growing for companies to build long-term resilience in their business. The unprecedented debt crisis that has hit many parts of the world has sparked a growing understanding that short-termism can bring an established economic system to breaking point. As some national economies have been brought to their knees in recent months, we are reminded that nature’s system is under threat through the depletion of the world’s finite natural resources and the rise of greenhouse gas emissions.


Overall we conclude that while some companies are demonstrating an awareness of the strategic opportunities associated with acting on climate change, few are setting the necessary targets or making the investments required to ensure their long-term resilience.


At the last UN climate summit in Durban4, all countries agreed to raise their ambition on climate change with the aim of limiting warming to 2°C. PwC analysis of current emissions trends and pledges shows that absolute emissions reductions of around 4% per year from 2020 to 2050 will be required if the objective agreed at COP17 is to be achieved.



UNDP (United Nations Development Program), September 2012:
Powerful Synergies: Gender Equality, Economic Development and Environmental Sustainability

This publication, Powerful Synergies: Gender Equality, Economic Development and Environmental Sustainability, is a collection of evidence-based papers by scholars and practitioners that explore the interconnections between gender equality and sustainable development across a range of sectors and global development issues such as energy, health, education, food security, climate change, human rights, consumption and production patterns, and urbanization. The publication provides evidence from various sectors and regions on how women’s equal access and control over resources not only improves the lives of individuals, families and nations, but also helps ensure the sustainability of the environment.


Worldwatch: State of the world 2012: Moving towards sustainable prosperity

http://www.worldwatch.org/stateoftheworld2012 (inkl. Chapter summaries zum Download)

In 1992, governments at the Rio Earth Summit made a historic commitment to sustainable development—an economic system that promotes the health of both people and ecosystems. Twenty years and several summits later, human civilization has never been closer to ecological collapse, a third of humanity lives in poverty, and another 2 billion people are projected to join the human race over the next 40 years. How will we move toward sustainable prosperity equitably shared among all even as our cities strain to provide decent jobs, housing, transportation, and social services, and as our ecological systems decline?

To promote discussion around this vital topic at the Rio+20 U.N. Conference and beyond, State of the World 2012: Moving Toward Sustainable Prosperity showcases creative policies and fresh approaches that are advancing sustainable development in the twenty-first century. Chapters written by international experts present a comprehensive look at current trends in global economics and sustainability, a policy toolbox of clear solutions to some of our most pressing environmental and human challenges, and a path for reforming economic institutions to promote both ecological health and prosperity.

Moving Toward Sustainable Prosperity is the latest publication in the Worldwatch Institute’s flagship State of the Worldseries, which remains the most recognized and authoritative resource for research and policy solutions on critical global issues. State of the World 2012 builds on three decades of experience to offer a clear, pragmatic look at the current state of global ecological systems and the economic forces that are reshaping them—and how we can craft more-sustainable and equitable economies in the future.

NOAA: State of the Climate in 2011

Climate Services and Monitoring Division
NOAA/National Climatic Data center

Report, Overview slides, ...:

UNEP: GEO5 report (Global Environment Outlook 2012)



Part 1: State and Trends of the Environment 1

Drivers 3 Atmosphere 31 Land 65 Water 97 Biodiversity 133 Chemicals and Waste 167 An Earth System Perspective 193 Review of Data Needs 215

Part 2: Policy Options 231

Africa 233 Asia and the Pacific 259 Europe 289 Latin America and the Caribbean 317 North America 349 West Asia 373 Regional Summary 399

Part 3: Global Responses 417

Scenarios and Sustainability Transformation 419 Global Responses 457

IEA World Energy Outlook Special Report 2012 - Iraq Energy Outlook


Wie viel kostet die Energiewende? FVEE-Studie erwartet enorme Einsparungen (570 Milliarden Euro bis 2050)

Nicht Mehrkosten, sondern erhebliche Einsparungen sind durch die Energiewende zu erwarten – 570 Milliarden Euro bis 2050. Zu diesem – für viele überraschenden – Ergebnis kommt der ForschungsVerbund Erneuerbare Energien (FVEE) in einer Stellungnahme aller zwölf Mitgliedsinstitute: Die heutigen Investitionen in Erneuerbare Energien sind eine Absicherung gegen die Strompreissteigerungen von übermorgen.



Kommentar: Das wundert mich nicht.

Nur als Beispiel: die Ölrechnung (ohne Kosten durch Umweltverschmutzung und Klimawandel):

Die Welt verbraucht am Tag ca. 80 Millionen Barrel Öl. Bei einem Preis von 100$ pro Barrel sind das 80Mio * 100$ = 8000 Mio$ = 8 Milliarden $ pro Tag, im Jahr 8Mrd$/Tag * 365Tage = 2920 Milliarden$ = ca. 2,9 Billionen$ weltweite Ölrechnung pro Jahr.
Deutschland verbraucht ca. 2,7 Mio Barrel/Tag, macht eine Rechnung von 2,7 Mio Barrel/Tag * 100$/Barrel = 270Mio$/Tag, im Jahr 270Mio$/Tag * 365 Tage = 98550 Mio$ = ca 98,5 Milliarden$ deutsche Ölrechnung pro Jahr. Kohle für Strom kostet auch, Gas auch, usw. ( http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erdöl#Weltverbrauch ).

Die Sonne verursacht keine Brennstoffkosten. Sie scheint. (Wahrscheinlich kommt wieder irgendein Rüpel auf die Idee, die Sonne patentieren zu wollen :-( ... ).

Und Solar- und Wind-Anlagen kosten nicht übermässig viel: auch in fossile Anlagen muss massiv investiert werden (siehe z.B. den IAE (Internationale Energie Agentur) World Energy Outlook 2012, Special Report, über den Irak: bis 2035 werden 530 Milliarden$ an Investitionen allein in die irakischen Öl-Anlagen benötigt, siehe oben). Von diesen ungeheuren Summen redet nur niemand, weil die Gewinne (=Verluste für die Natur durch Umweltverschmutzung und Klimadestabilisierung) in private Taschen fliessen und diese mächtige Lobby kein Interesse hat, solche Kosten lauthals zu beziffern oder gar beklagen, denn der Umsatz mit dem irakischen Öl wird geschätzt ca 5 Billionen$ sein ... (siehe IEA Report).

Angesichts solcher Umsatz- und Gewinnzahlen (Exxon Mobil in 2008: 45 Milliarden$ Gewinn ... http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ölindustrie ) der Öl/Kohle-Maffia denke ich manchmal, dass der Kampf gegen diesen Unsinn nur verloren werden kann ... Aber man darf nicht aufhören zu kämpfen.

PS: Die jährlichen Subventionen für die Öl-Produktion/Verbrauch werden von
IEA (Internationale Energie Agentur), OECD und G20 auf 775 Milliarden US$ geschätzt.


Full Planet, empty plates - the new geopolitics of food scarcity
(Earth Policy Institute, Lester Brown)


Hierzu auch:

World grain reserves are so dangerously low that severe weather in the United States or other food-exporting countries could trigger a major hunger crisis next year, the United Nations has warned.




He says we know the answers. They include saving water, eating less meat, stopping soil erosion, controlling populations and changing the energy economy.

"But they must be addressed together We have to mobilise quickly. Time is the scarcest resource. Success depends on moving at wartime speed. It means transforming the world industrial economy, stabilising populations and rebuilding grain stocks.

"We must redefine security. We have inherited a definition from the last century that is almost exclusively military in focus. Armed aggression is no longer the principal threat to our future. The overriding threats are now climate change, population growth, water shortages and rising food prices. The challenge is to save civilisation itself."


Man bemerke den Widerspruch zu Jorgen Randers (siehe -->oben), der die schweren Gefahren eher im langfristigen Bereich und durch den Klimawandel sieht.

Auf der Website des Earth Policy Institute sind alle Zahlen des Buches verfügbar (als Graphiken und als Rohdaten in Excel): http://www.earth-policy.org/books/fpep

IEA (International Energy Agency): World Energy Outlook 2012



Siehe auch: die Studie zu den Einsparungsmöglichkeiten durch die Energiewende: -->Link
und den IEA Special report zum Irak: -->Link (und den Artikel über die Peak Oil oben drüber:
insbesondere die Verwundbarkeit von Europa schient mir mit den neuen Entwicklungen
interessant ...).

Artikel über den IEA World Energy Outlook 2012 (Deutsch):


Die traurige Botschaft der Energieagentur: "Die fossilen Rohstoffe werden im globalen Energie-Mix vorherrschend bleiben." Das liegt vor allem an den immensen Subventionen, die nach wie vor in den fossilen Sektor fließen. Allein von 2010 zu 2011 sind sie den IEA-Angaben zufolge weltweit um 30 Prozent gestiegen: auf unvorstellbare 523 Milliarden Euro. Das ist – bei allem Gerede um die glorreiche Zukunft der Erneuerbaren – sechs Mal mehr Geld, als Sonne, Wind, Wasser und Co. weltweit als Unterstützung zufließt. Auch was das für die globale Erwärmung bedeutet, schreibt die IEA: Sie rechnet angesichts dieser Zahlen mit einer durchschnittlichen Erwärmung um 3,6 Grad Celsius. Damit würde die Staatengemeinschaft ihr beim UN-Klimagipfel in Cancún einstimmig beschlossenes Ziel deutlich verfehlen. Das nützt es auch nichts, dass die Erneuerbaren der Prognose zufolge bis 2015 zur zweitgrößten Stromquelle aufsteigen werden.



Die ASPO wählt folgendes Zitat aus:

"The net increase in global oil production is driven entirely by unconventional oil, including a contribution from light tight oil that exceeds 4 mb/d for much of the 2020s, and by natural gas liquids ... The vulnerability of the energy sector to water constraints is widely spread geographically, affecting, among others, shale gas development and power generation in parts of China and the United States, the operation of India’s highly water-intensive fleet of power plants, Canadian oil sands production and the maintenance of oil-field pressures in Iraq."


WWF-Studie: Klimawandel auf dem Teller



Artikel zum Bericht:

Der WWF hat ausgerechnet, wie viel Treibhausgase die Bundesbürger durch eine Änderung ihrer Ernährung einsparen könnten. Der wesentliche Faktor: weniger Fleisch essen. Damit könnte Deutschland die Menge an Treibhausgasen einsparen, die Portugal jährlich emittiert. Zudem würde die Reduzierung des Fleischkonsums helfen, den Hunger in der Welt zu bekämpfen.


Bericht des PIK an die Weltbank: "Turn down the heat"

Pressemitteilung, Video mit Weltbank-Chef Jim Yong Kim:

Zusammenfassung des Berichtes, englisch:

Bericht zum Online-Lesen:

Bericht als PDF:

Deutscher Artikel über den Bericht:
Diesmal kommt der Alarmruf von der Weltbank: Selbst wenn die Staaten ihre bisher zugesagten Klimaschutz-Ziele einhalten, droht sich die Atmosphäre um mehr als drei Grad Celsius zu erwärmen. Vor allem warnt die jetzt veröffentlichte Weltbank-Studie davor, dass die "Kipp-Elemente" im Klimasystem anspringen könnten. Das hätte gravierende Auswirkungen.


UNEP-Bericht: Environmental Risk Integration in Sovereign Credit Analysis

Der Bericht verwendet den ökologischen Fussabdruck als Analyse-Instrument

Aus dem Newsletter des Footprint Network:

BusinessWeek and Financial News covered the E-RISC project and some of its key findings. For example, nations that are heavily dependent on natural resource imports may find that continued supply becomes unreliable or costly. For example, a 10 percent variation in commodity prices can lead to changes in a country’s trade balance equivalent to 0.5 percent of GDP. Further, a 10 per cent reduction in the productive capacity of soils and freshwater areas alone could lead to a reduction in trade balance equivalent to over 4 per cent of GDP.

UNEP Finance Initiative:




EEA (European Environment Agency): Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2012

This European Environment Agency (EEA) report presents information on past and projected climate change and related impacts in Europe, based on a range of indicators. The report also assesses the vulnerability of society, human health and ecosystems in Europe and identifies those regions in Europe most at risk from climate change. Furthermore, the report discusses the principle sources of uncertainty for the indicators and notes how monitoring and scenario development can improve our understanding of climate change, its impacts and related vulnerabilities.


GEA (Global Energy Assessment) - Report:

Der Wissenschaftliche Beirat der Bundesregierung zu Globalen Umweltveränderungen (WBGU) und das in Österreich ansässige International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) haben gestern ihren globalen Energiebericht an Bundesumweltminister Peter Altmaier (CDU) übergeben. Der Global Energy Assessment (GEA) genannte Bericht geht der Frage nach, wie der Umbau der Energiesysteme hin zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit in Entwicklungs-, Schwellen- und Industrieländern zu bewerkstelligen ist. Das Ergebnis ist durchweg positiv: Laut GEA ist die "Transformation" auf 41 der 60 untersuchten Pfade "machbar" und bringt zudem "viele Vorteile".



Download von GEA:


GT2030 (Global Trends 2030), NIC-Report (US National Intelligence Council)

The National Intelligence Council's (NIC) Global Trends Report engages expertise from outside government on factors of such as globalization, demography and the environment, producing a forward-looking document to aid policymakers in their long term planning on key issues of worldwide importance.

Since the first report was released in 1997, the audience for each Global Trends report has expanded, generating more interest and reaching a broader audience that the one that preceded it. A new Global Trends report is published every four years following the U.S. presidential election.



Bericht des GEN (Guardian Environment Network):

Climate change has the potential to stoke regional instabilities and fuel international tensions, according to a major new report from the US National Intelligence Council.

Released yesterday, the Global Trends 2030 report seeks to map out the security trends that will shape international relations over the next two decades. It is the latest in a series of studies from national security bodies around the world to acknowledge that climate change and its likely impacts on food, water, and natural resource supplies represents an emerging security threat.

"Demand for food, water, and energy will grow by approximately 35, 40 and 50 per cent respectively, owing to an increase in the global population and the consumption patterns of an expanding middle class," the report states. "Climate change will worsen the outlook for the availability of these critical resources."


Policy Implications of Warming Permafrost (UNEP)

Permafrost covering almost a quarter of the northern hemisphere contains 1,700 gigatonnes of carbon, twice that currently in the atmosphere, and could significantly amplify global warming should thawing accelerate as expected, according to a new report released today by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).



Artikel (eng.) bei SkepticalScience über den Bericht:


IEA (Internationale Energie Agentur): Medium Term Coal Market Report

http://www.iea.org/W/bookshop/add.aspx?id=436 (leider nicht kostenfrei).

Bericht darüber beim Handelsblatt: Dem Klima drohen harte Zeiten

WRI (World Resources Institute): Global Coal Risk Assessment - Report


(Gefunden auf

beim Lesen von
http://grist.org/news/your-2012-climate-change-scorecard )

(Repost, weitere Berichte einzeln)

zuletzt bearbeitet 29.12.2012 00:37 | nach oben springen


RE: Umweltberichte

in News 01.04.2013 00:32
von Jonas • 615 Beiträge

IMF (International Monetary Fund): Reforming Energy Subsidies
1,9 Billionen = 1900 Milliarden jährlich an Subventionen und Schäden durch fossile Energien.
D.h. 2,7% des weltweiten BIP gehen für Subventionierung für und Schäden durch fossile Energien verloren.
Web: http://www.imf.org/external/np/fad/subsidies/index.htm
PDF: http://www.imf.org/external/np/pp/eng/2013/012813.pdf
Hintergrund: Studie der US-Regierung zur Quantifizierung der Schäden durch fossile Energien:

Artikel auf grist dazu (Erklärung warum die schon ziemlich horrenden Zahlen des IMF vermutlich untertrieben sind):

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RE: Umweltberichte

in News 04.04.2013 23:17
von Jonas • 615 Beiträge

UNDP (United Nations Development Programme): Human Development Report 2013



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RE: Umweltberichte

in News 18.04.2013 02:35
von Jonas • 615 Beiträge

IEA Report: Tracking Clean Energy Progress 2013

We built our civilisation by harnessing energy, which is at the core of economic growth and prosperity. But in 2012, in a weak world economy, oil prices soared and carbon dioxide emissions from energy reached record highs. The ways we supply and use energy threaten our security, health, economic prosperity and environment. They are clearly unsustainable. We must change course before it is too late.



zuletzt bearbeitet 18.04.2013 02:36 | nach oben springen


RE: Umweltberichte

in News 29.04.2013 10:59
von Jonas • 615 Beiträge

G8/UN TEEB: Natural Capital at Risk (über Externe Kosten)

Bericht bei Grist über den Report:
None of the world’s top industries would be profitable if they paid for the natural capital they use

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RE: Umweltberichte

in News 01.06.2013 15:49
von Jonas • 615 Beiträge

Worldwatch: Natural Catastrophes in 2012 Dominated by U.S. Weather Extremes

In 2012, there were 905 natural catastrophes worldwide, 93 percent of which were weather-related disasters. In terms of overall and insured losses (US$170 billion and $70 billion, respectively), 2012 did not follow the records set in 2011 and could be defined as a moderate year on a global scale. But the United States was seriously affected by weather extremes, accounting for 69 percent of overall losses and 92 percent of insured losses due to natural catastrophes worldwide.


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Umweltberichte (Club of Rome: Der geplünderte Planet)

in News 06.06.2013 15:41
von Jonas • 615 Beiträge

Club of Rome: Der geplünderte Planet

... In diesem Bericht an den Club of Rome hat Ugo Bardi einen detaillierten Blick in die Geschichte, die Gegenwart und die Zukunft des Bergbaus und der Ressourcenaneignung geworfen. Er stellt klar heraus, dass uns keine der zahlreichen mineralischen Ressourcen, die wir tagtäglich aus der Erde holen und die für das Funktionieren unserer Gesellschaft unerlässlich sind, in absehbarer Zeit ausgehen wird. Aber er stellt ebenso deutlich heraus, dass die Zeit billiger Rohstoffe bald vorbei sein wird. Die Existenz großer, leicht ausbeutbarer Vorkommen gehört der Vergangenheit an; zurück geblieben sind Lagerstätten mit geringen Gehalten an Metall, Öl oder Gas. Ihre Ausbeutung verursacht nicht nur höhere Kosten und verbraucht mehr Energie, sie produziert auch mehr Abraum und führt zu einer höheren Belastung der Umwelt.


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Umweltberichte (IEA Internationale Energie Agentur): Warnung an die Politik: Weiter so = 3,6 Grad oder mehr ...te Planet)

in News 15.06.2013 00:00
von Jonas • 615 Beiträge

Warning that the world is not on track to limit the global temperature increase to 2 degrees Celsius, the International Energy Agency (IEA) today urged governments to swiftly enact four energy policies that would keep climate goals alive without harming economic growth.

“Climate change has quite frankly slipped to the back burner of policy priorities. But the problem is not going away – quite the opposite,” IEA Executive Director Maria van der Hoeven said in London at the launch of a World Energy Outlook Special Report, Redrawing the Energy-Climate Map, which highlights the need for intensive action before 2020.

Noting that the energy sector accounts for around two-thirds of global greenhouse-gas emissions, she added: “This report shows that the path we are currently on is more likely to result in a temperature increase of between 3.6 °C and 5.3 °C but also finds that much more can be done to tackle energy-sector emissions without jeopardising economic growth, an important concern for many governments.”



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Umweltberichte: Ren21: Renewables 2013 Global Status Report

in News 15.06.2013 00:48
von Jonas • 615 Beiträge
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Umweltberichte: Weltbank: Turn down the Heat II

in News 22.06.2013 15:11
von Jonas • 615 Beiträge

The scientists tell us that if the world warms by 2°C -- warming which may be reached in 20 to 30 years -- that will cause widespread food shortages, unprecedented heat-waves, and more intense cyclones. In the near-term, climate change, which is already unfolding, could batter the slums even more and greatly harm the lives and the hopes of individuals and families who have had little hand in raising the Earth's temperature. Urgent action is needed to not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also to help countries prepare for a world of dramatic climate and weather extremes.” World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim, June 2013


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Umweltberichte: ILO: World of Work Report 2013

in News 22.06.2013 15:11
von Jonas • 615 Beiträge

ILO: World of Work Report 2013

Die Arbeitswelt wird nicht nur von einer systemimmanenten Ungerechtigkeit beeinträchtigt, sondern auch von zunehmend beschränkten Umweltressourcen, die ein ewiges Wachstum nicht ermöglichen. Dennoch bleibt die ILO (International Labor Organisation) in ihrer Wachstumslogik gefangen. Sie wird aber die ökologisch-soziale Grundgleichung nicht ändern können:
Nachhaltige Ressourcen pro Mensch = 1 unzerstörte Erde / Anzahl der Menschen

Key findings of the report
- Uneven job recovery poses challenges to most countries
- Profits return but fail to boost real economy in many advanced countries

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Umweltberichte: Worldwatch: Business Innovation in a living Economy

in News 29.06.2013 11:30
von Jonas • 615 Beiträge


One of the main puzzles of our time is how to avoid climate change and safeguard ecosystem health while simultaneously improving human wellbeing and enhancing social justice without destabilizing the economy.
Businesses have a very important role in the road towards a Living Economy – an economy that has as a goal to improve human wellbeing and quality of life, moving away from pointless consumerism, without compromising natural resources. How can business promote environmental and social sustainability, and at the same time have positive returns on investment?
As a part of our Living Economy project, Worldwatch Institute Europe is showcasing some European companies that are generating business value while considering environmental and social challenges. The objective of this report is to offer business leaders and entrepreneurs a better understanding of how to create shared value through sustainable business.
Our viewpoint is that return on investment can be enhanced through sustainable business practices; a hypothesis to be tested through our case studies and a collection of surveys and insights from international experts, all of which will be included in this report.


zuletzt bearbeitet 29.06.2013 11:35 | nach oben springen


Umweltberichte: UNEP: E-RISC: Environmental Risk Integration in Sovereign Credit Analysis

in News 29.06.2013 11:33
von Jonas • 615 Beiträge

On November 19, 2012, the key findings of the E-RISC: A New Angle on Sovereign Credit Risk report were unveiled at an interactive event hosted by Bloomberg in London. The report found that a ten percent variation in commodity prices can lead to changes in a country’s trade balance equivalent to 0.5 percent of GDP. Further, a ten per cent reduction in the productive capacity of soils and freshwater areas alone could lead to a reduction in trade balance equivalent to over 4 per cent of GDP.



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Umweltberichte: UBA: Grüne Produkte in Deutschland - Status Quo und Trends

in News 29.06.2013 11:42
von Jonas • 615 Beiträge

Viele Umweltbelastungen hängen direkt oder indirekt mit dem Konsum von Gütern und Dienstleistungen zusammen. Ohne einen nachhaltigen Konsum kann es deshalb keinen umfassenden Klima- und Umweltschutz geben. Nachhaltiger Konsum betrifft dabei sowohl den Nicht-Kauf von umweltschädlichen, aber auch den Kauf von umweltverträglichen Produkten sowie deren umweltfreundliche Nutzung.


(Umweltdaten allgemein: http://www.umweltbundesamt-daten-zur-umw...?nodeIdent=2700 )

zuletzt bearbeitet 29.06.2013 11:48 | nach oben springen


Umweltberichte: WMO: The global climate 2001-2010

in News 05.07.2013 11:10
von Jonas • 615 Beiträge

The world experienced unprecedented high-impact climate extremes during the 2001-2010 decade, which was the warmest since the start of modern measurements in 1850 and continued an extended period of pronounced global warming. More national temperature records were reported broken than in any previous decade, according to a new report by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

The report, The Global Climate 2001-2010, A Decade of Climate Extremes, analysed global and regional temperatures and precipitation, as well as extreme events such as the heat waves in Europe and Russia, Hurricane Katrina in the United States of America, Tropical Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar, droughts in the Amazon Basin, Australia and East Africa and floods in Pakistan.


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